From: Michael Seay Sent: March 4, 2018 8:04 PM To: Subject: Ordained servant of God I am an ordained servant of God... How dare you treat the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON( JESUS CHRIST) like this... you are a bunch of WORTHLESS FOOLS , and GOD condemn your worthless souls to HELLFIRE!!! Jesus Christ went to that cross as a beautiful sacrifice, and you sorry NO GOOD pieces of dog dung abuse HIM... Well, let me tell you something.... Jesus Christ IS GOD and HE IS The One and Only Begotten SON of HIS most high FATHER GOD... You are absolutely worthless children of satan and he is your father.... you wicked people still have a chance to repent and change your worthless hearts and ways and come to Christ and be added to the ONLY church that will be saved and that is the church of Christ... No baptist, methodist, Mormon, catholic or any other denomination will be saved!!! Matthew 16:18 Now is your chance... I am NOT your average person... I am ordained by the FATHER and SON( JESUS CHRIST) obey the gospel and repent or PERISH!!! John 1:1 As the HOLY SPIRIT guided John In the beginning was the Word( Jesus Christ) and the Word( Jesus Christ) was GOD. HE ( JESUS CHRIST) was in the beginning with GOD. ALL things came into being through HIM, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In HIM was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. I will share with you the ONE TRUE gospel as the FATHER and SON( Jesus THE CHRIST) have trained and ordained me ... You have to be old enough to repent of your sins.... you have to be scripturally baptized ( Ephesians 4:5... One LORD , ONE FAITH and ONE BAPTISM.... ONE FATHER) you have to confess that Jesus Christ is the only begotten SON of God... you have to. e fully immersed into under water for the remission of your sins in the name of the FATHER, the SON ( Jesus Christ ) and the Holy Spirit and then the LORD GOD ( JESUS CHRIST) will add you to HIS blood purchased church... the only church that will be saved , and that is the church of Christ... No baptist, methodist, catholic, mormon, etc. will be saved!! Your choice You have been WARNED by an ordained servant of God ordained not by man but by God .... JESUS CHRIST IS LORD ... this is HIS universe along with HIS FATHER and THEIR HOLY SPIRIT... and who are you to tell them how to run it...=